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Teethings was a demon who served the Gardener while it remained in the Absolute. He was known for his ardent & devout attitude, very enthusiastic about his work. However, when the Gardener's wrongdoings were revealed, Teethings' devotion to the Deity turned to hatred.
Teethings has reigned his anger down upon me, in my current life until recently. This began with his invasion of my home, and my bedroom specifically. The entire room smelt of bleach, and I often awoke with newly and mysteriously formed bruises down my legs. Loud, unexplainable noises woke me up nearly nightly. When those things weren't happening, there was a general dark and vengeful aura about the room. I eventually used a banishing ritual to rid of him- temporarily.
Teethings returned several months later, this time possessing my own body. He caused me to lash out and act violently until I realized there was something wrong, so I talked to Seraphima who told me that Teethings was occupying my body. I forced him out, and again he was temporarily gone.
Just recently, he returned to me, but in a dream. In the dream- which was very vivid- he entered my house with a constantly changing phyical form, and began throwing things around and possessing members of my family. I tried different methods of banishment but to no avail. Eventually he began to calm down, and I talked to him about how I was not the Gardener anymore, and that what the Gardener did I couldn't control. He began to understand this, and told me we were on good terms before I woke up.
After waking, I discussed with Seraphima the dream, and she said it was not just a dream- that he really visited me. Teethings, once a burden in my life, is now an ally, and I look forward to meeting him again. Should that happen, I will record it here.